FAFSA 2024更新

Due to nationwide delays in the FAFSA process, all new and returning students will receive their financial aid awards later than usual this year. FAFSA 2024 FAQs

Loyola has extended the enrollment deposit deadline for incoming first-year students to June 1, 2024. 阅读全文

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狼群星期三: 学生成功中心 (Fall)




At Loyola, we care about your success. That’s why the Pan-American Life 学生成功中心 is one of the busiest offices on campus. Last fall, we had more than 5,000 visits for our services. Let Zontre City ‘21 give you a quick tour of all the resources available to you. 

Support for You

We’ll help you navigate all aspects of your college experience to define success on your terms. 在成功中心, you’ll find different departments to help you access the resources you need.  

  • Academic Advising and Success Coaching: You’ll 与你的顾问或教练见面 regularly to discuss your transition to life as a college student, ask questions about Loyola policies and academic expectations, and set and make progress towards meaningful goals for your first year as a member of the Wolf Pack. Expect to hear from your advisor-coach no later than the first week of class!
  • 职业发展中心: The 职业发展中心 is here to assist you from day one as you prepare for a successful life after graduation. As a first-year, many students work with career coaches for 专业及职业规划. We also help first-year and transfer students begin exploring and planning to pursue future 实习机会 that will help you acquire the skills needed to successfully pursue your chosen profession. We encourage every student to make use of our services, early and often. 
  • 写作及学习服务: At OWLS, you’ll receive one-on-one tutoring sessions with one of our many trained peer tutors. Whether you need some extra guidance and encouragement in math, 可以一起练习西班牙语的人, or another pair of eyes to read over your essay, 我们都在你身边! 
  • 访问教育: The Office for 访问教育 (OAE) is here to help with a smooth transition from modifications to accommodations for students who have an IEP or 504 plan in high school. At Loyola, your 可访问性顾问 can help you determine what accommodations you need to access course materials, programs, dining, and housing. 和你的 可访问性顾问 at any time.
  • 学生支援服务: 学生支援服务 这个项目是由美国政府资助的吗.S. Department of Education that serves first-generation college students, 残疾学生, 低收入家庭的学生. Participants have access to support services to help with coursework, 生涯探索, 金融知识, 技能发展. Watch the video below to learn more about the program and 看看你是否符合条件 to apply!

How We’ve Helped

教练团队, advisors, instructors, and tutors in Student Success will create a community of support for you as you transition to life at Loyola through graduation. Here are a few words from some of your fellow Wolf Pack members about their experiences in Student Success:

“作为第一代学生, I can’t really go to my parents for advice on navigating my college journey since they’ve never been to college or attended any formal education. So it’s been great to have someone to talk and text with when I need guidance or a sounding board for my ideas. It has really helped me adjust to and thrive in college life.——Vinlisa Khoeum

“The tutors at OWLs help me every time I request academic assistance. From simple to complex, the answers to my questions always aid and add value to my studies. I am grateful for the availability of the enriching human resources who are the tutors of OWLs. Their vital services are instrumental to my academic success. I recommend my fellow students take advantage of OWLs.” – Leith Edgar

“The 职业发展中心 has been instrumental to my success and helpful during all four years of my college experience. From exploring career options to finding and landing several internships to preparing for full-time job interviews, they have been there every step of the way. I would not be where I am today without their support.——阿尔弗雷德·杰克逊

Let’s Meet!

The 学生成功中心 is located on the first and second floors of Monroe Library. We also are accessible through video conferencing, phone, and text message. 

  • Text us at 504.384.8071
  • Call us at 504.865.2990 
  • 给我们发邮件至success@cqkaisi.com
  • Message us on Instagram

From your first day of class until the day you graduate, we want to make sure you’re equipped with the tools and skills to find success in college. We can’t wait for you to join the Wolf Pack this fall!
